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Located and servicing the Greensboro/ Triad region of North Carolina

Precious Cargo Doula Services provides physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual support to diverse families who seek a holistic approach during pregnancy and childbirth.

Labor, delivery, and birth can be a scary experience. Especially when one is having their first child, or alone and doesn’t have any constant support. A doula is a person who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to an expecting family. One might assume that a doula is a new hipster term in today’s western society. But it is not, doulas have always been present when women deliver babies. The purpose of the doula is to help women and family have a safe, empowering and memorable birth experience. Birth doulas create detailed birth plans for easy access to vital information for during labor and delivery. During delivery, a doula will be in close proximity constantly. Doulas have the ability to provide comfort with pain-relief techniques including, but not limited to; breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, massage, and labor positions. Doulas also encourage participation from the partner or family and offers constant reassurance. Unlike a midwife, Doulas do not perform clinical or medical care.

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